Program Description
This course is intended to provide entry-level technicians with a fundamental understanding of the marine industry and marine service careers, including outboard systems.
Marine technicians are essential components in a rapidly growing industry. Throughout this program, students will be exposed to numerous marine mechanical systems. Features in the program will provide the entry-level marine technician with hands-on training. The training includes how to perform routine maintenance on marine engines and related systems, as well as instruction on how to identify problems using the latest diagnostic technology, along with performing basic repairs.
Students entering this program should have a strong understanding of how mechanical systems work.
Marine technician jobs are in demand. Positions can be found in nearly all marinas and boat dealerships throughout the area.
Program Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this Continuing Education Workforce Certificate, students will be able to:
1. discuss how marine outboard engines work, what their common problems are and processes for repair;
2. successfully complete industry certifications to enhance employment opportunities; and
3. be prepared for employment with a local marina or marine facility.
CCBC Pathway
Business Pathway - Pathways are designed to help you meet your academic and career goals by aligning related courses and programs. Pathway students participate in a variety of activities that help explore career opportunities in their field of study. You can meet with a CCBC advisor who help align — or realign — your educational plan with the Pathway that best supports you and your goals.
Program Credential
CCBC Credential: Students will be awarded a Continuing Education Workforce Certificate and have access to a Continuing Education academic record (transcript).
After successful completion of the program, students will be prepared to work in an entry level position in outboard engine repair and maintenance and to take the Yamaha exam on Introduction to Outboard Systems.
Financial Aid and Payment Options
We offer financial aid by packaging public and private funding options to those who qualify, in select Continuing Education courses and programs. Additional opportunities for financial support include partial payment options through Nelnet Business Solutions and tuition waivers for those who qualify. Resources outside of CCBC may also be available through employer/sponsor paid tuition, the Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS), and your local office of workforce development.
Some CE Workforce Development Certificate Programs are eligible for early high school funding through Maryland Blueprint for qualifying BCPS high school students. Please check with your School Counseling Office to determine your eligibility for the BCPS Tuition Benefit Program.
Program Length
79 hours of instruction over a 5 week period.
Program Requirements
Ability to lift 40 pounds
Application Process
To apply, go to and complete the CCBC Continuing Education Workforce Certificate program application. Upon acceptance, an email will be sent with additional information directing you to your next steps.
Open Entry – No screening or documentation required.
Prior Learning Assessment
This program has no options for obtaining course waiver(s) for prior learning.
Program Course Sequence
Course Number | Course Title | Course Hours | Textbook Information (approximate cost; subject to change) | Costs T=Tuition/F=Fees |
VOA750 | An Overview of the Modern Marine Industry | 4 | | $90 T-$27/F-$63 |
VOA749 | Marine Engine Maintenance and Repair | 75 | Textbook: Introduction to Outboard Systems Included in registration cost | $854 T-$256 /F-$598 |
Course Series Totals: | | 79 | | $944 T-$283/F-$661 |
Additional Information
Skills for Success:
Mechanical aptitude, manual dexterity and an ability to follow safety rules are key elements of success.
Career Opportunities:
Entry-Level Marine Technicians, Marina/Boatyard Assistant, Marine Engine Dealership/Sales.
Career Coach
Research your career interests, explore live job postings, take a career assessment, discover which companies in the Baltimore region are hiring, and more. View a brief tutorial video on how to use Career Coach at Explore career and training opportunities at
Contact Information
Program Coordinator: Kempton Baldridge | | 443-840-1237 | Dundalk | STAT 110
Administrative Assistant: TBA