Program Description
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes help students learn the English language skills needed for life, work and civics concepts. Students will increase their general English language proficiency from a low beginning level to upper level. The goal of these classes is to enable students to better function as parents, workers and community members, as well as to successfully transition to ASE/GED, Academic ESOL and/or workforce training.
Program Objectives
Course Objectives and Outcomes – Grant Funded Courses
Level Intro – Life Skills: Very low beginning students will learn basic English for life and work.
Level I - Life Skills: Low beginning students will learn simple English for life and work.
Level 2 - Life Skills: High beginning students will improve their simple English skills for life and work.
Level 3 - Language/EL Civics: Low intermediate students will develop English language skills and be introduced to civics concepts.
Level 4 - Language/EL Civics: Intermediate students will continue to develop English language skills and build on civics concepts.
Level 5 - Language/EL Civics: High intermediate students will continue to develop English language skills and extend civics concepts to civic engagement.
Expanded Reading and Writing Skills: Upper-intermediate students will move beyond life skills reading and writing.
Transition Reading and Writing: Upper-intermediate will learn strategies to approach academic reading and writing tasks to better prepare for transition.
Course Objectives and Outcomes – Upper-Level Tuition Based Courses
ESOL General English Language Skills: Students will improve their general English skills by engaging in communicative tasks on various high-interest topics. Course integrates the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with a focus on grammar and vocabulary appropriate to the language task.
ESOL English Pronunciation Skills: Students will refine their ability to communicate by learning to apply common rules in English pronunciation. Topics include self-monitoring techniques to improve vowel and consonant clarity, syllable and sentence stress, intonation patterns, and communication style.
Program Credentials
Successful Completion:
CCBC Credential:
Students will have access to a Continuing Education academic record (transcript).
Program Length
Standard: 10 weeks; 2 classes per week (3-hour day/night classes)
Intensive: 5 weeks; 4 classes per week (3-hour day/night classes)
Saturday morning only: 15 weeks (4-hour class)
Prior Learning Assessment
This program has no options for obtaining course waiver(s) for prior learning.
Application Process
Provisional Entry – ESOL Level Intro through Level 5 and Reading/Writing students are required to attend a registration session. New students must be assessed to determine their skill levels in reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Program Sequence
Grant Funded Courses:
Course Number | Course Title | Course Hours | Textbook Information (approximate cost; subject to change) | Costs T=Tuition/F=Fees |
ADS302 | ESOL Level Intro – Life Skills | 60 | Future Intro, 2nd Edition Student Book w/ Practice plus App & Workbook Package; $41.00 | $0 Grant Funded ** |
ADS301 | ESOL Level 1 – Life Skills | 60 | Future 1, 2nd Edition Student Book w/ Practice plus App & Workbook Package; $41.00 | $0 Grant Funded ** |
ADS303 | ESOL Level 2 – Life Skills | 60 | Future 2, 2nd Edition Student Book w/ Practice plus App & Workbook Package; $41.00 | $0 Grant Funded ** |
ADS304 | ESOL Level 3 – EL Civics | 60 | Future 3, 2nd Edition Student Book w/ Practice plus App & Workbook Package; $41.00 | $0 Grant Funded ** |
ADS305 | ESOL Level 4 – EL Civics | 60 | Future 4, 2nd Edition Student Book w/ Practice plus App & Workbook Package; $41.00 | $0 Grant Funded ** |
ADS306 | ESOL Level 5 – EL Civic Engagement | 60 | Future 5, 2nd Edition Student Book w/ Practice plus App & Workbook Package; $41.00 | $0 Grant Funded ** |
ADS134 | ESOL Expanded Reading and Writing Skills | 60 | TBD | $0 Grant Funded ** |
ADS014 | ESOL Transition Reading and Writing | 60 | TBD | $0 Grant Funded ** |
** This class is supported by grant funding from the Maryland Department of Labor.
Tuition Based Courses:
Course Number | Course Title | Course Hours | Textbook Information (approximate cost; subject to change) | Costs T=Tuition/F=Fees |
ADS007 | ESOL General English Language Skills | 60 | Textbook is provided and included in course costs | $259 T-$69/F-$190 |
ADS008 | ESOL English Pronunciation Skills | 60 | Textbook is provided and included in course costs | $279 T-$79/F-$200 |
Additional Information
Course Objectives and Outcomes – Grant Funded Courses
Level Intro – Life Skills: Very low beginning students will learn basic English for life and work.
Level I - Life Skills: Low beginning students will learn simple English for life and work.
Level 2 - Life Skills: High beginning students will improve their simple English skills for life and work.
Level 3 - Language/EL Civics: Low intermediate students will develop English language skills and be introduced to civics concepts.
Level 4 - Language/EL Civics: Intermediate students will continue to develop English language skills and build on civics concepts.
Level 5 - Language/EL Civics: High intermediate students will continue to develop English language skills and extend civics concepts to civic engagement.
Expanded Reading and Writing Skills: Level 4 students will move beyond life skills reading and writing.
Transition Reading and Writing: Level 5 students will learn strategies to approach academic reading and writing tasks to better prepare for transition.
Course Objectives and Outcomes – Tuition Based Courses
ESOL General English Language Skills: Students will improve their general English skills by engaging in communicative tasks on various high-interest topics. Course integrates the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with a focus on grammar and vocabulary appropriate to the language task.
ESOL English Pronunciation Skills: Students will refine their ability to communicate by learning to apply common rules in English pronunciation. Topics include self-monitoring techniques to improve vowel and consonant clarity, syllable and sentence stress, intonation patterns, and communication style.
ESOL English for Business Communication: Students will learn appropriate language for meetings, presentations, collaborations, negotiations, and social interaction. Course will help improve communication skills to better establish and maintain business relationships.
Program Contact Information
Grant Classes:
Program Coordinator: Marcia Merriman | | 443-840-3214 | Owings Mills | Room 305
Judy White | | 443-840-3070 | Owings Mills | Room 305
Tuition Courses:
Instruction: Suzi Monti | | 443-840-3476 | Owings Mills, Room 305