Sep 19, 2024  
Catalog 2013-2014 
Catalog 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Enrollment Policies and Services

U.S. Citizens

The Community College of Baltimore County adheres to the following policy on residence status in compliance with the Maryland Higher Education Commission and the Code of Maryland Regulations:

“A student must reside in Baltimore County to be eligible for county tuition rates or in the State of Maryland outside of Baltimore County, to be eligible for state tuition rates. A student is a Maryland or Baltimore County resident if he/she has maintained his/her domicile in Maryland or Baltimore County, respectively, for at least three months prior to the beginning of the semester. Domicile as used in this regulation is defined as a person’s permanent place of abode, where physical presence and possessions are maintained and where he/she intends to remain indefinitely. The domicile of a person who received more than one-half of his/her financial support from others in the most recently completed year is the domicile of the person contributing the greatest portion of support, without regard to whether the parties are related by blood or marriage. A student who is under 18 years of age must claim his/her residence as that of his/her parents or legal guardians.”

Proof of Residency

It is the responsibility of the student to:

  • Provide all required documentation to the Enrollment Services Center or the Registrar’s office when providing a change of address. An employer or post office box address cannot be used as a domicile address.
    • Residency is supported by your physical presence of person and goods and presentation of two or more of these documents dated three months before the start of the enrollment period when moving into Maryland or Baltimore County:
      • State ID or information card for ID
      • Utility bill (gas/electric, phone, cable)
      • Bank statement
      • IRS tax transcript
      • Lease or rental agreement
      • Voter’s registration card
    • Additional documentation may be required. Documents presented after the last day of the third week of classes, or after 20% equivalence of the semester or session, will be reviewed and considered for the next term.
  • Verify his or her residency or billing rate upon registration for the next semester.
  • Sign a required statement verifying his or her residency claim. 

Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees

A non-U.S. citizen who is a permanent resident, refugee or asylee must present immigration documents at the time of application to confirm residency status for tuition purposes. The same Residency Policy for U.S. citizens applies to these students.

Non-Immigrants Who Have Applied for Permanent Residency

A student who possesses a Notice of Action statement from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security or an Employment Authorization Document with immigrant notations may file a petition for residency reclassification for tuition purposes. Two forms of supporting documentation are required to determine whether or not the applicant has resided in-county or in-state for at least three months. If the reclassification request is submitted by the third week or 20% equivalence of the semester/session, and it is granted, any resulting favorable decision will be implemented for the current semester.

International Students with an F, M or J Visa Status

A student studying in the U.S. on a non-immigrant visa is billed at the out-of-state (international) tuition rate because his or her permanent place of residence is outside the United States.

All other individuals, with visa classifications not mentioned above, are required to meet with staff in International Student Services.

Late Registration for Open Sections

A student may be permitted to register late for an open class without the Dean’s or Dean’s Designee’s permission before the second class meeting. After the class has met twice, a student is required to obtain the Dean’s or Dean’s Designee’s permission (in consultation with the instructor).


Beginning the first day of the semester/session, the Dean’s/Designee’s permission will be required for the following:

  • Courses that meet once a week only
  • Science courses with labs
  • Abbreviated sessions

The Dean’s or Dean Designee’s permission will be required for ALL Web courses on the first day of the semester/session. If the student misses one class meeting, the late enrollment policy will take effect.

Note: A $30.00 late registration fee will be charged for initial registrations made on or after the first day of the semester/session. 

Withdrawal and Refund policies are located in the Tuition and Fees  section of the catalog.

Statewide and Health Workforce Shortage Programs

The Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act (House Bill 72) enacted changes to the discounted tuition rate for out-of-county students in Statewide and Health Manpower Grants. Beginning in FY 2012, State funding is limited to the amount provided in the annual State budget; colleges will be reimbursed on a pro-rata basis for qualifying out-of-county fees if annual appropriation is insufficient to cover the complete cost. The act establishes that a community college may charge the student the out-of-county rate and is then required to reimburse the student the amount the college is reimbursed by the State.

CCBC has chosen to provide out-of-county students in these programs a discount of 50% of the out-of-county differential at the time of registration, instead of requiring students to pay in full and receive a subsequent reimbursement.

  • A student must verify his or her address and program of study with the Enrollment Services Center or the Registrar’s office when registering for classes.
  • When tuition is due at the time of registration, a student is required to inform the Bursar that he or she is enrolled in a Statewide or Health Workforce Shortage program.
  • A student in a statewide program must be enrolled in all courses by the 50% period as referenced on the college academic calendars in order to receive the statewide differential for the current academic year.  Any registration after that date will be billed at the out-of-county rate and not the statewide differential.
  • For more details, view the Statewide and Health Workforce Shortage Programs listed below and under Programs of Study .

NOTE: A student who drops classes during the 50 percent refund period is responsible for the out-of-county tuition charge. See the Withdrawal Policy  for details.

Statewide Programs:  
Automotive Technology
Aviation Management
Child and Youth Care Practitioner
Construction Craft Professional
Construction Management
Geospatial Applications
Sustainable Horticulture
Interpreter Preparation
Mortuary Science
Recreation, Parks and Tourism
Survey Technology
Veterinary Technology


Health Workforce Shortage Programs:  
Chemical Dependency Counseling
Dental Hygiene
Emergency Medical Technology
Health Informatics and Information Technology
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Assistant
Mental Health
Occupational Safety and Health Technology
Occupational Therapy Assistant
Physician Assistant
Practical Nursing
Radiation Therapy
Respiratory Care Therapist
Veterinary Technology

Specialized Accreditations

Here are programs with specialized accreditations:

Self Service Graduation Audit

A self-service graduation audit tool in SIMON called the Curriculum Advising and Program Plan (CAPP) helps a student to monitor progress and identify courses to complete a degree or certificate. The audit applies to programs of study in the catalog beginning with Fall 2001 through the current year.  

Graduation Information

A student who intends to earn a credit degree or certificate must apply for graduation whether or not he or she plans to participate in the graduation ceremony. To prepare for graduation a student needs to:

  • Meet with an academic advisor to determine readiness to apply for graduation
  • Submit a graduation application for the degree and/or certificate. Applications are available at all campus Enrollment Services Centers or online.
    • Complete the application in its entirety (including catalog years and, if applicable, degree option) and deliver it to the Registrar’s office by the following deadline dates:
      • March 15 for spring semester completion
      • May 15 for summer semester completion
      • September 15 for fall semester completion

        If the due date falls on a weekend, the Friday before is the due date,

    • Attach payment of the non-refundable graduation fee (check or money order made payable to CCBC) of $75 for associate degree and/or $50 for certificate at the time of application.
  • Mail the application to:
    • Registrar’s Office
      CCBC Essex
      7201 Rossville Blvd
      Building A, Room 150
      Baltimore, MD 21237

Applications will be reviewed by a graduation specialist to determine if all requirements will be successfully completed by the end of the semester. Learn more about graduation requirements and commencement at or call  443-840-CCBC (2222). 

Student ID Cards

You will need a student ID card to help you take advantage of student discount prices in the community, and it will be needed for you to have access to many CCBC services and facilities including:

  • Bookstore
  • Library
  • Activities offered by the Student Life office
  • Testing Centers
  • Computer labs
  • Physical Education Facilities

Visit an Enrollment Services Center to obtain a new card or validate an existing card during regular office hours two weeks before the start of the semester in which you are enrolled. You will need to present a second official photo ID such as a driver’s license when you request a new or validated card. A $5.00 fee is charged to obtain a replacement. 

Student Communication

CCBC uses electronic technology to communicate with applicants and students about enrollment, financial aid, and graduation information. Enrolled students are urged to frequently check the student portal MyCCBC and and CCBC student email for college information and announcements.