Total Number of Credits Required for Degree: 66-67*
*Credit students who are new to college (no successfully completed college coursework at other institutions) are required to take ACDV 101 in the first semester at CCBC. This is a 1-credit class, and it does not count towards the number of credits required for a degree or certificate. Students are required to provide an official transcript(s) to document successful completion of college coursework at another institution(s) for this requirement to be waived.
**Course substitutions may be made at the discretion of the Aviation Program Director.
Program Description
Professional helicopter pilots are highly trained and competent aircraft operators who are not only responsible for the safety of their passengers and cargo, but also for the operation of sophisticated and expensive equipment. Pilots must meet FAA medical standards.
Graduates of the Professional Pilot Helicopter degree program will have completed all academic training required for the Commercial Pilot (Helicopter) and flight instructor certificates. Pilots with a rotorcraft (helicopter) Commercial Pilot Certificate and/or instructor credentials may find employment in a variety of helicopter applications such as corporate flight operations, charter or cargo airlift, agricultural services, surveying, law enforcement, search and rescue, on-demand media, emergency medical evacuation, flight training, or with numerous government agencies or military services. Non-flying positions are also available with the Federal Aviation Administration or other federal, state and local aviation agencies.
Students considering applying for this program should read the information available on the CCBC website at
Some aviation classes have lab fees . Fees are subject to change at the discretion of the Community College of Baltimore County.