Jan 24, 2025  
Catalog 2014-2015 
Catalog 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Mission Statement and Strategic Plan

CCBC Strategic Plan – FY 2011 to FY 2013
Adopted June 16, 2010


The Community College of Baltimore County provides an accessible, affordable, and high-quality education that prepares students for transfer and career success, strengthens the regional workforce, and enriches our community.


We will be the institution of choice for students, where together we make teaching purposeful, learning powerful, and community paramount.


Commitment: We want our students to succeed and move forward to the completion of their educational goals at the college through degree or certificate attainment, transfer, workplace certification, career enhancement, or personal enrichment.

Learning: We celebrate learning and are committed to ensuring our students grow as learners, develop a passion for life-long learning, and use what they have learned to benefit our community.

Innovation: We support a climate of discovery that values innovation. We encourage students, faculty and staff to explore new ideas, methods and processes.

Responsibility: We encourage open and honest communications, fairness, mutual respect, collegiality, and civility in all college-related matters. We have high expectations for the work of our employees, the academic rigor of our offerings, the scholarship of our students, and the involvement of the community and the workplace in the college’s future.

Integrity: We inspire public trust by maintaining ethical, honest, and trustworthy relationships with our faculty, our students, our staff, and our community.

Inclusiveness: We welcome, respect, and embrace the differences and similarities of our employees, our students, and the communities we proudly serve. We acknowledge the richness of diversity and the dignity of all persons.

Excellence: We strive for personal and organizational improvement and the wise and prudent management of our resources. We will continuously improve teaching and learning experiences to meet or exceed the needs of the workplace and the highest expectations of our community.

Stewardship:  We believe in sustainable practices and prudently manage all of the resources entrusted to us to advance the college’s mission and strategic directions.

Collaboration: We encourage continuous dialog within the college among students, faculty and staff and support ongoing cooperative relationships with our partners in the community.

Strategic Direction I - Student Success

CCBC will guide students to develop realistic and challenging goals and provide appropriate student support services to assist them in achieving their goals, whether those goals lead to earning a degree or certificate, obtaining transfer credits, developing specific skills, or enriching their personal lives.

We Believe That…

  • individual student success is our collective success.
  • student success should be viewed as part of a continuum and series of evolutionary events that form the basis for lifelong learning.
  • efforts to measure and track student success must ultimately focus on enhancing student outcomes.
  • the intellectual, cultural, and economic growth of individuals and the community are direct outcomes of student success.
  • student success can be fostered both within and outside of the classroom.

CCBC Will Pursue the Following Goals and Continue to… 

  • make student success an ongoing part of the College’s daily work that guides the College’s efforts and decision-making.
  • provide quality academic programs that have depth and value and that challenge and develop the abilities of all students.
  • assure that outcomes, standards, and assessments reflect appropriate academic criteria and/or industry-based standards.
  • challenge students using intellectually rigorous teaching and learning techniques to help them to meet academic standards and expectations.
  • support student success for current and prospective students by maintaining student-oriented policies, practices, and programs.
  • Enrich whole-learning opportunities for students by integrating student development, service-to community, and co-curricular initiatives with academic activities.
  • develop and incorporate high-impact success strategies and interventions for groups of learners whose academic achievement is “at-risk.”
  • provide regular faculty and staff development opportunities to support student success initiatives.
  • measure and assess student outcomes routinely, evaluate multiple measures of student achievement and success, and act upon the results to improve student outcomes.

Strategic Direction II - Teaching and Learning Excellence

CCBC will provide and support a quality educational experience for students by ensuring state-of-the art teaching that combines outstanding faculty with committed support and services staff.

We Believe That…

  • the strongest aspect of CCBC is its emphasis on quality teaching and learning.
  • highly focused support services are important for student entry, steady progress, and goal attainment.
  • all students, faculty, and staff are part of the teaching and learning environment and that all employees have a responsibility to seek continuous and measureable improvements in programs and services that support student success.
  • student preparedness for and engagement with higher education are important in encouraging future student success and lifelong learning.

CCBC Will Pursue the Following Goals and Continue to…

  • provide effective services that will attract, enroll, engage, and retain students.
  • expand teaching and learning initiatives to promote a student success-centered environment.
  • create supportive learning environments to help students identify and achieve their goals.
  • provide a learning environment that values diversity, multiculturalism, global awareness, and inclusiveness.
  • encourage students to develop an appreciation for lifelong learning, personal development, and educational and professional advancement.
  • create opportunities inside and outside of the classroom for students to examine their abilities, reflect on their academic effort, and develop a healthy approach to learning.
  • maintain our strong commitment to provide quality programming and services that have currency and market viability.
  • provide rigorous, intellectually challenging, and relevant outcomes-based curricula and offer specialized formats and instructional delivery systems aligned with our Mission.
  • deliver instruction using the most effective teaching methods to foster successful learning outcomes.
  • review and assess existing curricula, services, and programs based on student, community, and workplace needs and develop new curricula to support areas of targeted growth.
  • coordinate credit and non-credit programming to meet student, workplace, workforce, and community needs.

Strategic Direction III - Organizational Excellence

CCBC will promote an organizational culture that encourages excellence and success by developing and supporting individuals, teams, and processes that contribute to the effective and responsible management of teaching and learning, student success, human resources, facilities, services, technology, and finances.

We Believe That…

  • appropriate change and renewal must occur at all levels of the organization to improve operations across the College.
  • efficiency, effectiveness, and “best practices” must be woven throughout our daily tasks, processes, operations, and programs.
  • our work is important to the Mission and Vision of the College, and all employees should be encouraged and provided with the tools and support they need to succeed.
  • all employees should be recognized for their contributions to the College and be valued as individuals.

CCBC Will Pursue the Following Goals and Continue to…

  • rely on an effective planning process and a system of continuous assessment and improvement to respond to and implement appropriate change.
  • provide the highest quality managerial, administrative, and operational support for all strategic directions to ensure organizational viability and sustainability.
  • align policies, procedures, evaluations, processes, and operations to ensure appropriate consistency, fairness, and effectiveness across the College.
  • support all levels of instruction.
  • revitalize and enhance the physical infrastructure, including buildings, grounds, offices, classrooms, campuses, and sites.
  • improve programs, services, processes, and operations by upgrading technology in our classrooms and office environments.
  • maximize training and on-going support for all employees in the effective use of technology needed to perform their jobs.
  • promote the personal and workplace growth of all employees through professional development and opportunities.
  • provide for a safe, clean, secure, and respectful College environment for our students, faculty, staff, community, and guests.
  • utilize and build upon the rich diversity of talents, skills, and perspectives of our students, faculty, and employees.
  • improve communications to inform, engage, and involve our internal and external communities.

Strategic Direction IV - Community Engagement

CCBC will earn the support and respect of our communities by being a good neighbor and by providing beneficial learning experiences that are highly valued by individuals in our communities and b community organizations, businesses, industries, and the County government.

We Believe That…

  • earning and maintaining the support of our communities by anticipating and responding to their current and future needs and interests is essential to our Mission.
  • transparency and accountability to our public and private supporters are vital.
  • respecting and honoring the close attachments our unique communities have to our individual campuses is important in encouraging community support and participation.
  • continuous promotion and targeted marketing for our programs and services must be maintained to gain student, community, business, and workforce recognition.
  • identifying and cultivating mutually beneficial partnerships with businesses, educational institutions, not-for- profit organizations and associations, and governmental entities throughout the Greater Baltimore Region and the State are in the best interests of CCBC.

CCBC Will Pursue the Following Goals and Continue to…

  • involve our communities and groups within our communities as partners in our Mission.
  • meet the educational needs of the County and the Region by offering credit and non-credit programs and courses that respond to the changing needs of our communities.
  • build community awareness, participation, and support through communications, services, partnerships, cultural events, and marketing to bring attention to the College’s local impact, value, and merit.
  • expand our relationships and partnerships with high schools and transfer institutions.
  • bring about a richer learning and working environment for all by supporting a college community that embraces the diversity of our communities.
  • renew and expand our affiliations and partnerships with college sponsors, donors, alumni, and supporters.
  • seek external funds for learning and student success, support, infrastructure renovations, maintenance, development, and college sustainability efforts to advance strategic initiatives.