Mar 06, 2025
Catalog 2016-17 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Environmental Science, Science Transfer Pattern
Short Description
Environmental Science is the study of how the natural world functions and how humans interact with the world around us. Environmental Scientists are needed in parks and other natural areas as well as in basic research and policy making positions in both government and industry. Type of Credential
Associate of Science (A.S.) in Science Transfer Pattern - Environmental Science Semester Sequence
This is a suggested full-time schedule for a student who has completed any developmental course work and has no transfer credits. Refer to the College catalog for specific requirements in selecting General Education Courses . Courses Needed for This Transfer Pattern*
General Education Requirements and Electives - 30 Credits
General Education Requirements:
General Education Electives:
Choose courses in each category from the list of approved General Education courses . One course must be a Diversity course. - Arts and Humanities 3 Credits.
- Social and Behavioral Sciences 3 Credits.
- Information Technology: CSIT 101 or CSIT 111 3 Credits.
Program Requirements and Electives - 30 Credits
Program Electives:
Choose 12 credits. Elective courses should be selected to meet transfer institution requirements. Total Number of Credits Required for Degree: 60*
*Credit students who are new to college (no successfully completed transferable college credits from other institutions) are required to take ACDV 101 - Academic Development: Transitioning to College . This 1-credit course is designed to be taken in the first semester at CCBC. Students must provide an official transcript(s) from an accredited institution to document successful completion of college coursework for the ACDV 101 requirement to be waived.
**Competitive transfer programs may require Calculus. ***In order to take CHEM 121/CHEM 122, students must have done one of the following: - Completed CHEM 107 and CHEM 108 with a grade of C or better, OR
- Passed the Chemistry placement exam and completed or tested out of (ENGL 052 and RDNG 052) or ACLT 052, and MATH 083, OR
- Received permission from the Physical Sciences department chair.
Transfer Pattern Description
This degree pattern is designed to help students transfer to colleges and universities that offer a baccalaureate degree with a major in Environmental Science. Beyond the General Education requirements and other degree, program, and elective requirements, this pattern should be considered in light of the requirements of the selected transfer institution. Students should consult with a Program Coordinator for information about specific requirements. Four-year institutions vary in their requirements for an Environmental Science major. It is recommended that a student consult with an advisor at the transfer institution as soon as possible in order to choose courses at CCBC that meet the requirements at the four-year institution. Environmental Science is the study of how the natural world functions and how humans interact with the world around us. Environmental Scientists are needed in parks and other natural areas as well as in basic research and policy making positions in both government and industry. ENVS courses mix theory and principles of environmental science with hands-on experiences. Students learn about environmental monitoring and sampling methods and environmental conditions and explore environmental policies and technologies. Transfer Pattern Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this transfer pattern, students will be able to: - demonstrate how natural systems operate and interrelate with one another;
- critically evaluate how human activities affect natural systems;
- delineate natural flows and cycles of chemicals, minerals, water and energy in the environment;
- relate the Earth’s dynamic processes to its composition, structure and surface features;
- evaluate economic and political issues related to resource use and population growth within the confines of sustainable development;
- use data to solve biology problems;
- use data to solve chemistry problems;
- solve algebra-based physics problems; and
- perform environmental science experiments and write coherent laboratory reports.